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Starting information

Who are we?

We are a Boy Scout troop, we accept ages between 11-17

Where are we?

Our station is at Trinity Church located in Edwards, Co.

When do we gather?

We meet weekly on Mondays to learn skills, plan outdoor activities and have fun!

Why do we love our scout community?

Everything is so much better in a group! The scouts receive an experience they will forever use for life, down to the skills they learn, the places they get to travel and the friends they make. 

Are there fees involved?

There are some registration fees to enroll into the Boyscouts of America. We don't want any child to miss out on scouting due to financial barrier, so please speak with the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair for consideration of a Campership - Our Troops way to ensure every scout has access to every scout experience. All Camperships are strictly confidential.

Do you pay for your uniform?

All new members are responsible for their uniform and Scout Book.

We do recycle our uniforms, if available one may be purchased for a small fee. 

Who to contact for more info?

Please Contact our Admin at 258-5783

or Our Scoutmaster - Nate Free (970) 471-0871

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